


Lithium-ion battery packs usually consist of one or several battery packs in parallel, and each battery pack consists of 3 to 4 batteries in series. This combination can meet the voltage and power requirements. However, cell balancing technology, a common configuration for this application, is usually not very effective, because if the capacity of one series cell does not match the other cells, it will reduce the capacity of the entire battery pack.

The mismatch of battery capacity in lithium-ion battery balancing technology includes state-of-charge (SOC) mismatch and capacity/energy (C/E) mismatch. In both cases, the total capacity of the 18650 Li-Ion battery pack can only reach the capacity of a weak battery. In most cases, the cause of battery mismatch is imperfect process control and detection, rather than changes in the chemical properties of the lithium ion itself. Prismatic lithium-ion batteries are produced with greater mechanical stress and are more prone to differences between batteries. In addition, lithium-ion polymer batteries will also have differences between batteries due to the use of new processes.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Cell Balancing Technology Using cell balancing processing technology can solve the problem of SOC and C/E mismatch, thereby improving the performance of series-connected lithium-ion battery packs. The battery mismatch problem can be corrected by equalizing the battery during the initial adjustment process, and then only need to be equalized during the charging process, while the C/E mismatch must be equalized during both the charging and discharging processes. Although the defect rate may be low for a battery manufacturer, it is still necessary to provide further quality assurance in order to prevent the problem of short battery life.
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