


Challenges faced by hydrogen fuel power cells

According to foreign media reports, hydrogen fuel cells may become an important part of sustainable energy in the future. Fuel cells are more like internal combustion engines, because highly efficient hydrogen fuel cells can use reversible electrochemical reactions to generate electricity. The fuel is more environmentally friendly, with only electricity, water and heat generated.

Jeongmin Ahn, an associate professor at the College of Engineering and Computer Science of Syracuse University, said that the development prospects of hydrogen energy are changing constantly, and fuel cells may become an alternative solution for various fields.

Challenge 1: Fuel cells and hydrogen are too expensive

The cost of hydrogen energy has always been high, but the production of natural gas in the United States has greatly increased, resulting in the price of hydrogen being much cheaper than before. In addition, hydrogen can be decomposed into water by electrolysis. More importantly, hydrogen is now cheaper than gasoline. Researchers have also found a variety of ways to use relatively inexpensive materials in the manufacture of fuel cells. At least when we talk about the cost, hydrogen energy batteries also have a certain competitiveness.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Challenge 2: hydrogen storage is difficult

The storage of hydrogen is challenging, because hydrogen is a kind of gas, which will inevitably lead to the need for hydrogen storage to occupy a lot of space and require large tanks with thick walls. This is a headache for hydrogen energy vehicles. Fortunately, many companies have successfully developed a system that can be used by commercial vehicles to transport hydrogen according to the ammonia response.

Challenge 3: At present, the global focus is still on the weak petroleum fuel hydrogen infrastructure

In fact, the current hydrogen infrastructure is not strong, but in many developed countries, natural gas and water infrastructure can still be seen. Both of these substances can be used to synthesize hydrogen at a cost comparable to or slightly lower than gasoline. In this way, there is no need to use a trailer for hydrogen transportation, or hydrogen can be directly generated on site.

The promotion of fuel cell is more feasible earlier. Not only that, it has been implemented in many places. Toyota has successfully cooperated with Mirai, while Honda and Hyundai are also targeting hydrogen fuel vehicles, and plan to compete with competitors in the industry.

Therefore, in order to reduce the use of petroleum fuel as much as possible, the application of fuel cell technology has a long way to go, but it aims to achieve emission reduction and solve the problem of energy depletion. The future of fuel cells will be bright.
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