バルブ調整密閉型鉛蓄電池 - リチウム - イオン電池装置



Talking about the balanced charging of valve-regulated sealed lead-acid battery, valve-regulated sealed lead-acid battery (hereinafter referred to as valve-regulated battery) has the characteristics of saving investment, easy installation, safety and reliability, and convenient use Acid batteries (hereinafter referred to as valve-regulated batteries) are widely used in practical applications due to their characteristics of saving investment, easy installation, safety and reliability, and convenient use. However, due to the lack of understanding of its use requirements and the use of the old equalization charging system, it has caused greater harm to the battery.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

1. Reasons for Canceling Equalization Charge

(1) What is balanced charging

The so-called balanced charging is charging to balance the characteristics of the battery. It means that during the use of the battery, the battery terminal voltage is unbalanced due to individual differences in the battery, temperature differences and other reasons. The charging voltage of the battery pack is used to activate and charge the battery.

(2) The reason why there is no need for equalization charging

First of all, the concept of balanced charging is proposed in the use of old-fashioned lead-acid batteries. At present, most of the valve-regulated batteries clearly propose "voltage balance and complete formation". And "the acid layer does not form in the battery, and there is no need for equalization charging." The meaning of the charging voltage of the 2.4V single battery is accelerated charging, that is, "FASTCHARGE", not "EQUATION".

Second, equalization charging can cause damage to valve-regulated batteries. The equalizing charging voltage is a higher float charging voltage for most batteries. At this point, most normal batteries are in an overcharged state. The gas that cannot be recombined forms a certain pressure inside the battery. When the pressure exceeds the threshold of the safety control valve, the valve opens and the gas is discharged from the control valve.

In the previous battery maintenance, the process of equalizing charging was to adjust the battery specific gravity, that is to say, add distilled water to replenish the water to maintain the balance of the battery. However, in the maintenance-free battery, no water is added under the existing maintenance system. In this way, it will inevitably cause the battery to lose water and the battery to dry up.

2. How to ensure the consistency of the battery terminal voltage after equalizing charging is canceled

(1) Determinants of battery terminal voltage

First of all, it mainly depends on the concentration of the electrolyte and the material of the plate. When the battery loses water, the concentration of the electrolyte will inevitably increase, which will increase the terminal voltage of the battery. Second, it is related to the opening of the safety valve. If the pressure of the safety valve is too low, the battery will lose water prematurely and the terminal voltage will rise. In addition, the connection status between the batteries in series is different, and insufficient charging will occur during float charging. When the battery encounters deep discharge and then performs recovery charging, it is difficult to recover, which will cause the battery terminal voltage to be low.

(2) Guarantee means of battery terminal voltage

Since the battery will have inconsistent terminal voltages and the battery is not allowed to be balanced, how to ensure the consistency of the battery terminal voltage? First of all, the consistency of the battery voltage should be ensured from the raw materials and production links of the battery. For example, the selection of battery materials, especially the selection of key materials such as electrolyte, plate, and pressure control valve. Secondly, it is necessary to ensure the quality of battery installation and ensure the consistency of battery installation status. For example, the connection method of the battery, the balance of the torque, etc. In addition, attention should be paid to maintenance. For some outdated batteries, restorative charging should be carried out, and the electrolyte of the battery should be properly adjusted at the same time; the working status of the pressure valve should be checked regularly.
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