燃料電池の特徴 -リチウム - イオン電池機器

燃料電池の特徴 -リチウム - イオン電池機器


Features of fuel power batteries:

Because fuel power batteries can directly convert the chemical energy of fuel into electrical energy, it does not change the energy form of the energy form of the boiler, steam turbine, and generators like the usual thermal generator, which can prevent the loss of the intermediate conversion and achieve a high high ones. Power generation efficiency. At the same time, there are some characteristics:(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

1. Both the full load or part of the load can maintain high power generation efficiency;

2. It can maintain high power generation efficiency regardless of the size of the device;

3. Has a strong overload capacity;

4. A wide range of fuels that can be used through the combination of fuel supply devices;

5. The power generation contribution is determined by the power of the battery stack and the number of groups.

6. The battery body has good load response, and the peak adjustment of the power grid is better than other power generation methods;

7. When using natural gas and gas as fuel, NOX and SOX are low and have a small amount of discharge and excellent environmental compatibility.

In this way, the power generation system composed of fuel power batteries is greatly attractive to the power industry.
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