


With the increasing number of new energy vehicles, people's demand for charging piles is also rising. Since 2014, the country has fully opened up the infrastructure construction market for pure electric vehicles, vigorously encouraged social capital to invest in the construction of charging piles, and a large number of companies have sprung up. Among them, there are cross-border Internet; there are power grid companies and equipment suppliers; there are also companies such as production, sales, and construction of charging piles.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The crazy influx of capital came to an abrupt end in 2016, and the continuous loss made the capital calm down. There are many reasons for the unclear profit model of many charging pile companies, low equipment utilization rate, and high damage rate. The capital injection of the lost capital, although the state has allowed the charging pile company to charge a certain service fee, the continuous huge losses still make the charging pile company complain, and even eventually go bankrupt.

Just at the beginning of this year, the once high-profile charging network technology announced that it would stop operating due to a breakage. This is by no means an exception in the current operating difficulties of charging pile companies. Why did the charging pile industry, which was once favored by capital, fall into such a situation? We may be able to get a glimpse of it in the collapse of the charging network.

Seeing Opportunities from Charging Difficulties

In 2013, TSLA started pre-sale in my country. The latest technology from Silicon Valley in the United States has attracted Wang Zhenfei, the founder of charging network technology. Without seeing the real car, I paid the deposit and became the first car owner of TSLA in my country.

In mid-2014, Wang Zhenfei mentioned his own TSLAModelS. While experiencing the top technology in Silicon Valley at that time, various drawbacks also flocked, and charging difficulty is the most prominent problem.

At that time, it was not long before the country began to vigorously develop new energy, and the infrastructure construction was not yet perfect. Except for the charging piles and TSLA super charging stations set up by themselves, there are very few public charging piles. In the use of electric vehicles, Wang Zhenfei encountered the same problem as most electric vehicle owners: "range anxiety".

In order to understand that electric vehicles are far away, how to solve charging? As well as the status quo of charging piles in my country, Wang Zhenfei decided to complete the journey from Beijing to Shenzhen by self-driving TSLA when the construction of charging piles in China was generally imperfect at that time.

After Wang Zhenfei spent the days of "reclaiming wasteland" by flying cables, remodeling circuits, and borrowing electricity every day, he finally made a long journey to Shenzhen after 6 days.

For Wang Zhenfei this time, he gained two important pieces of information: first, the mileage anxiety when the charging pile is not yet popular, and the confusion about the location of the charging pile.

After this driving experience, Wang Zhenfei began to cooperate with TSLA to operate the charging service. And his connection with TSLA allowed him to see huge opportunities in this emerging industry. In July 2014, Shenzhen Charging Network Technology Co., Ltd. was formally established.

development and demise

After founding the charging network technology, Wang Zhenfei positioned the charging network technology as a service provider in the aftermarket of electric vehicles after going through trial and error from operators to apps and then to equipment manufacturers.

In 2014, charging network technology mainly cooperated with TSLA, and began to establish cooperation with 4 types of customers (charging operators, charging facility manufacturers, automobile manufacturers and commercial real estate) in 2015. At the same time, it has obtained a total of 40 million financing from angel rounds and A rounds.

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