バッテリーをより安全で信頼性の高いものにする - リチウムイオンバッテリー機器



Many electric vehicle customers believe that the longer the charging time, the more battery battery. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. The charging time generally uses the charger to be extended to the green light within one hour as the best (take the Ao Koma electric vehicle as an example). Excessive time is likely to cause battery deformation, water loss and other phenomena. As a result, it is straightforward to harm the life of the battery, and even more serious problems such as short -circuit explosions will occur.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Try to choose smart charging equipment

The habit of general electric vehicle users is to charge immediately after returning home after get off work, and then cut off the power when working the next day. In fact, most of the charger cannot be automatically powered off when the battery is overflowing. The best way is to buy smart sockets and set up charging time, so as to better charge the battery and ensure the safety of battery charging.

Do not use electricity to exercise

Some users continue to ride because they are too far or forgot to charge. They often charge until the electric car ride is not moved, which will seriously damage the battery performance. Multiple deep discharge will greatly shorten the battery life. If the electricity is insufficient on the way, it is best to pedal in advance to help and take a deep discharge.

Don't charge at high temperature or low temperature

During the charging process, the battery itself will have a small amount of heat. Charging at high temperatures will increase the temperature of the bottle body, damage the battery performance, and even explode. If the temperature is too low, the battery acceptance capacity is poor, the activity is weakened, the battery battery is insufficient, and the number of charging and discharge is added to shorten the battery life.
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