充電設備数の増加 - リチウムイオン - イオン電池設備

充電設備数の増加 - リチウムイオン - イオン電池設備


Charging piles are devices used to charge electric vehicles (EVs) and are an alternative to traditional gas stations and gaspumps. Charging piles are mainly composed of piles, electrical modules, metering modules, etc., and generally have functions such as energy metering, billing, communication, and control. The charging pile equipment itself does not have too high technical content, and the competitive difference is mainly reflected in the stability, compatibility, cost control, brand reputation and bidding ability of the equipment produced.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

In the first half of 2018, my country's new energy vehicle market maintained an upward trend and developed steadily. At the same time, the domestic electric vehicle charging pile market is also further expanding. In the first half of this year, the number of public and private charging facilities in various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities increased steadily, and the charging capacity continued to increase for three months, with an overall increase from the previous month.

Due to the rapid rise of new energy vehicles, problems such as insufficient scale of charging infrastructure have arisen. It is estimated that by 2020, the number of electric vehicles in my country will exceed 5 million. The demand for supporting charging infrastructure has also increased. From 2015 to 2020, more than 12,000 centralized charging and swapping stations will be added, and more than 4.8 million decentralized charging piles will be added to meet the charging needs of 5 million electric vehicles nationwide.

Overall analysis of public charging infrastructure

The data shows that as of June 2018, member units in the alliance reported a total of 271,751 public charging piles, including 119,445 AC charging piles, 87,956 DC charging piles, and 64,350 AC-DC integrated charging piles. In June 2018, compared with May 2018, there were 5,520 new public charging piles. From July 2017 to June 2018, there were about 8,345 new public charging piles on average per month, a year-on-year increase of 58.4% in June 2018.

Monthly total and new additions of my country's public charging infrastructure in June 2018

Data source: Compiled by Qianzhan Industry Research Institute

In terms of public charging infrastructure operators, there are currently 16 large-scale operator companies in the country (the number of charging facilities = 1,000); in the first half of this year, the newly added public charging piles (including dedicated ones) increased by 90.6% year-on-year, which is in line with the 2015 The national standard accounts for about 90%, and the electricity consumption of special vehicles such as buses and taxis has shown a steady upward trend. Among them, the number of charging piles operated by Tedian is the largest, including the number of self-built and managed charging piles reaching 112,003.

Analysis of provincial and municipal rankings of public charging infrastructure

From the perspective of regions, the public charging infrastructure data of provinces, districts and cities (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), the top ten public charging piles owned by provincial administrative regions are: 40,865 in Beijing and 40,865 in Shanghai. 34,773, Guangdong 33,586, Jiangsu 28,378, Shandong 20,139, Zhejiang 12,909, Tianjin 11,661, Hebei 11,429, Anhui 10,870, and Hubei 7,812.

The state and local governments strongly support the construction of charging facilities

Since the configuration of charging piles is the primary consideration for most users when purchasing new energy vehicles, the improvement of charging facilities is crucial to reducing users' mileage anxiety. Therefore, clarifying the industry standard of charging piles has become an important and necessary key link in the development process of new energy vehicles in my country. Since the second half of 2015, relevant national and local departments have successively issued policies related to charging piles to better promote the development of new energy vehicles.

The degree of intelligence of charging piles needs to be further improved

Driven by new technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and virtual assistants, charging piles are becoming more and more intelligent. At present, users who use mobile phones for charging device locations account for the majority of charging users. Charging customers can also access the system and pay for charging through the mobile client. The owner of the charging pile can realize the remote monitoring of the charging equipment through the mobile phone to ensure the normal operation of the charging business. In addition, after the pile and the mobile phone are paired, the pile owner can remotely charge off-peak through the mobile phone, saving charging costs. 
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