


At present, scientists are working to develop new batteries with stronger energy storage and longer life, especially to develop more suitable batteries in different fields, because no one battery can be applied to all fields.

Scientists are working on developing new lithium batteries

1. Not long ago, Chinese scientists developed a lithium battery that can be used at minus 70 degrees Celsius. It is expected to be used in extremely cold regions of the earth and even in outer space in the future. According to the researchers, the materials used in the new battery are inexpensive and environmentally friendly, but it will take some time to commercialize it. The main problem is that its energy density is too low to compare with traditional lithium battery packs.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

2. In the automotive industry, the battery ultimately determines the life of the car, and also determines people's fear and anxiety about electric vehicles. To solve this problem, engineers and scientists are trying to pack more voltage capacity into batteries. Currently, a great deal of research is devoted to finding new materials and chemicals to assist or replace other parts of the lithium-ion lattice or battery.

For example, in some innovative ways, the traditional graphite anode lattice can be replaced with silicon, which will have 10 times more lithium ions, but silicon expands when it absorbs lithium ions, so researchers need to solve this problem; replace lithium metal The lattice acts as the anode, but it's possible that it will short-circuit while charging. And this is a long-standing problem that has been a headache for battery manufacturers since the advent of lithium batteries two or three decades ago.

3. Think about the "heart" of the battery - the electrode/electrolyte interface. Among all environmental factors, temperature has the greatest impact on the charge and discharge performance of the battery. Xia Yongyao, a professor at the Department of Chemistry and New Energy Research Institute of Fudan University, China, led a team to develop a new cold-resistant battery. Ethyl acetate, which has a low freezing point and can conduct electricity at extreme low temperatures, is used as the electrolyte, and two organic compounds are used as electrodes. cathode and anode.

Ethyl acetate electrolyte and organic polymer electrodes allow rechargeable batteries to work at extremely low temperatures of minus 70 degrees Celsius. "The material for the new battery is plentiful, cheap and environmentally friendly, and he expects the material to be about one-third the price of conventional lithium-ion battery electrode materials.

You know, in extremely cold regions such as Russia and Canada, the temperature is below minus 50 degrees Celsius; in space, the temperature is as low as minus 157 degrees Celsius. The performance of traditional lithium battery packs is only 50% of the optimal level at minus 20 degrees Celsius, and only 12% of the optimal level at minus 40 degrees Celsius.

The new battery is still in the laboratory stage. The main challenge for commercialization is that there is still a gap between the energy per unit mass of this battery and the commercialized lithium battery. The production process still needs to be optimized, but it has significant application potential. Therefore, are trying to overcome the problem.
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