


The three major problems restricting the development of lithium ion battery energy storage industry

1. Safety existence of hidden dangers: Under the use of internal and external factors such as over -charging, overloading, overheating, and mechanical collision of lithium -ion batteries, it is easy to cause battery diaphragm crash, internal short circuits, leading to heat out of control and cause security problems; Most of the electrolytes are flammable or flammable organic solvents, which have added hidden dangers of fires. Traditional safety fire protection measures often do not effectively suppress the heat out of control of lithium -ion batteries, which will cause the early fire to spread rapidly and then evolve into large -scale fires.

2. Policy standards and technical specifications lag: The energy storage industry of the lithium -ion battery is still in the birth period, and policy will still be an important driving force for the development of the market. At present, my country's relevant strategies and policy research in this field is not sufficient, and lack of effective guidance policies and incentive measures, which is not conducive to the further bigger and stronger of the lithium -ion battery energy storage industry; At the beginning, only one national standard and 3 group standards are currently announced.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

3. The lag of technical standards has become an important knot for affecting the standardized development of the industry, leading to problems such as too simple design, blurred performance indicators, lack of inspection and testing, and large hidden safety hazards. At present, there is no large -scale comprehensive inspection agency of the quality of energy storage lithium -ion battery products. Some inspection items and parameter settings are distributed in more than ten inspection institutions across the country. Tests, especially high -voltage, large current, explosion -proof and other tests are still in a missing state in China.

Regarding the development of the lithium -ion battery industry in the future

① Establish a recycling and utilization system: Promote automobile production companies to accelerate the establishment of waste power battery recycling channels, publish information on recycling service outlets, and ensure that the production of the production of the producer responsibility is fully implemented;

② Accelerate the implementation of traceability management: uniformly encoded the power battery and carry out the full life cycle traceability management, which is an important means for the recycling management of waste power batteries;

③ Improve the standard system: Support the formulation of related standards for industry, local and groups;

④ Do a good job of pilot demonstration: Through pilot demonstrations, find problems, and seek solutions.

my country Renewal Resources Recycling and Utilization Association proposed that under the current technical and management conditions, relying on coding traceability to ensure the most suitable way to manage the full life cycle of power lithium batteries. With the continuous improvement and maturity of the recycling system of vehicle power lithium batteries, the problems behind the coding system are expected to be solved to a certain extent.
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