
  • CNC Machine (3 Axies)CNC Machining


Brand: Mazak  Japan
CNC Machining

Product Details
A three-axis CNC machine tool refers to a computer numerical control (CNC) machine with three linear motion axes. Usually, these three axes are the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis.
The X-axis typically controls the left and right movement of the workpiece in the horizontal direction; the Y-axis controls the front and back movement of the workpiece in the horizontal direction perpendicular to the X-axis; the Z-axis controls the up and down movement of the cutting tool or spindle in the vertical direction.
It can precisely control the movement trajectory of the cutting tool in these three directions through a pre-written CNC program, thereby processing the workpiece with various shapes and features, such as milling planes, drilling holes, boring holes, turning outer circles, etc.
Compared with manually operated machine tools, three-axis CNC machine tools have higher processing accuracy, efficiency, and consistency. They are suitable for manufacturing various medium and small-sized parts with relatively simple shapes and are widely used in the mechanical processing industry.
For example, in the manufacturing of automotive parts, three-axis CNC machine tools can be used to process parts such as engine blocks and gearbox housings; in the manufacturing of electronic equipment, they can process components such as housings and brackets.
CNC加工 CNCマシン(3軸)
ブランド マザック 日本
数量 12
最大範囲 800×600×500ミリメートル
正確 0.005ミリメートル

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