J390D-B、J590D-Bハードウェアダイカットマシン - 高速金型切断機

  • J390D-B,J590D-B High-speed hardware die-cutting machine-High speed mold cutting machine
  • J390D-B,J590D-B High-speed hardware die-cutting machine-High speed mold cutting machine


High-speed hardware die-cutting machine (continuous coating, gap coating)|High speed mold cutting machine
Model: J390D-B,J590D-B

This machine is used for motive lithium cells and batteries winding .cutting &form of the Ni-tabs feeding material by constant tension system ,EPC rectify .the form of hardware cutting , self-measure, punch the hole, self-winding.

Product Details
High speed mold cutting machine
       The equipment mainly has 390 and 590 models, which are used for positive and negative pole piece forming (continuous coating process) of power lithium battery lamination process. It has functions such as constant tension automatic unwinding, EPC deviation correction, metal die-cutting, dust removal mechanism, CCD visual defect detection and size detection, automatic material receiving, etc. The maximum speed can reach 300ppm.(High speed mold cutting machine)

マシンタイプ 最大材料幅 ダイカット速度 ポールピース成形精度 グリッチ精度
D-Bさん 650ミリメートル 150~300PPm ±0.2ミリメートル ≤12μm

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