D390 / 590F-Cカッティングモールドと-カッティングとスタッキングの統合マシン

  • D390/590F-C Die-cutting and stacking machine-Cutting and stacking Integrated machine
  • D390/590F-C Die-cutting and stacking machine-Cutting and stacking Integrated machine
  • D390/590F-C Die-cutting and stacking machine-Cutting and stacking Integrated machine
  • D390/590F-C Die-cutting and stacking machine-Cutting and stacking Integrated machine

D390/590F-C 型抜き・スタッキングマシン・切断・スタッキング一体機

D390/590F-C Cutting Mould And Lay Mould Integration Machine | Cutting And Stacking Integrated Machine

This equipment is mainly used for die-cutting and forming of positive and negative pole pieces of power lithium battery. It can be grasped by manipulator, secondary positioning, and automatically tensioned and unloaded to complete Z-shaped lamination, cold pressing and terminating glue.

Product Details
        This equipment is mainly used for die-cutting and forming of positive and negative pole pieces of power lithium battery. It can be grasped by manipulator, secondary positioning, and automatically tensioned and unloaded to complete Z-shaped lamination, cold pressing and terminating glue.(Cutting and stacking Integrated machine)
        This equipment realizes the integration of slicing and lamination, eliminating the need for logistics turnover.It is stable, high-speed, high-precision, and there are maintenance and refueling channels in the front, rear, left, and right sides, which is convenient for operation and use.

マシンタイプ ラミネート効率 ポールピースのアライメント精度 ラミネートステーション
D390/590F-C ≥300PPMの ±0.2ミリメートル 2

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