
  • EDM Machine CNC Machining


Brand: Makino    Japan
CNC Machining

Product Details
CNC Machining
EDM Machine (Electrical Discharge Machining Machine) is a kind of machine tool equipment that processes conductive materials by utilizing the principle of electrical spark discharge.
During the processing, pulsed spark discharges occur between the tool electrode and the workpiece. The locally and instantaneously generated high temperature causes the material on the workpiece surface to melt, vaporize, and be eroded, thereby achieving the processing purpose.
EDM machines have the following characteristics and advantages:
It can process materials of various hardnesses, including high-hardness and high-strength metal materials.
It can process parts with complex shapes, such as small holes, narrow slots, and complex-shaped cavities.
During the processing, there is no macroscopic cutting force between the tool electrode and the workpiece, making it suitable for processing thin-walled and weak-stiffness parts.
For example, in mold manufacturing, EDM machines are commonly used to process the cavities and cores of molds; in the aerospace field, they can be used to process parts with special shapes and high hardness materials.
ブランド 牧野 日本
数量 2
最大範囲 450×320×300ミリメートル
正確 0.001ミリメートル

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