
  • Laser Cutting Machine CNC Machining


Brand: AMADA    Japan
CNC Machining

Product Details
CNC Machining
The working principle of the laser die cutting machine is to utilize the high energy density of the laser beam to generate instantaneous high temperature on the material surface, causing local melting, vaporization or combustion of the material, thereby achieving processing such as cutting and engraving of the material.
Specifically, the laser die cutting machine focuses the laser beam on the material surface through the control system, moves along the preset path, and controls the power and frequency of the laser at the same time to achieve the best processing effect. During the processing, the laser beam interacts with the material surface, and the generated heat causes the local temperature of the material to rise. When the temperature reaches the melting point or boiling point of the material, the material will be melted, vaporized or burned, thereby forming cutting or engraving marks.
ブランド アマダ 日本
数量 1
最大範囲 1600×1200ミリメートル (厚さ10mm)
正確 0.01ミリメートル

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